An attempt was made… (iPod Mini Flash Mod)

Word to the wise, please please please, just pay extra for a cf card adapter from a reputable company like iFlash.Better yet, just buy a CF card… like really are you really gonna put more than 64 gigs in these tiny nuggets?

This is from when I had the adapter plugged in the wrong direction, lol

Regardless, I learned this lesson the hard way last night trying to flash mod this blue guy I got recently. The disassembly went on without a hitch, but when I got the cf converter plugged in (the correct way) and formatted the sd card in 2 different operating systems (thanks for the errors, windows) the ipod would be detected as in recovery mode and wouldn’t fully reset.

On the Macbook I could get away with loading tracks on it but the signal was just not clean enough or fast enough for the iPod itself. Oh well, this was a card adapter I bought for that DOS thin client project I attempted so it’s probably just that it’s shoddy.

But for real the iFlash one is only 6 dollars more, I mean, what was I thinking? I’ll just get that lol.

Trying to install DOS on a Thin Client

(I mean I did, but it was disappointing anyways)

What is up gamers, were back here again with another moon’s time machine this time were installing a 40 year old operating system onto a computer that used to be used by cubicle slaves to do basic office work.

It’s cooled passively so it must be perfect for this… right? right?

MS-DOS 6 (Upgrade) New in Box Get!

I was browsing eBay late one night while working on an MS-DOS related project and found a good deal on this near new MS-DOS 6 upgrade. It makes a cool addition to my shelf and I may even find some good use for the manual inside.

In the future I am hoping to collect more operating systems, just cause, it’s fun and its not horribly expensive.

Hopefully soon I can get the real project done soon!

There is the box, in all its 93′ Glory

iPod Shuffle Gen 1 get!

Found a first gen iPod Shuffle at a local thrift store for 15 dollars which is a great find honestly.

The Apple DirtyBuds Classic weren’t in there (thank goodness honestly) but everything else is in such good condition it seems like it is just an open box product, the battery life is decent for what I need it for (however I still haven’t thoroughly tested that part) the lanyard was still wrapped, and the device is cleaner than anything else I’ve ever really seen.

Ive loaded up about 5 hours of study music on it for the time being and that’s probably what will stay on there. Those good ol’ Apple DACs still are impressive 16 years later. Wow, its been 16 years since the first iPod Shuffle, that would make this October the 20 year anniversary of the original iPod’s release.

I’m listening to it now as I type this post a second time as Tumblr crashed my first draft while I was taking a break from the computer lol. On my studio headphones this sounds great and is definitely gonna put me through a ton of study sessions.